Here we are in San Antonio now! Andy just started doing a residency in Pathology and Amanda is staying at home with the kids. Tyler is now 5 years old and loves Legos, Transformers, Scooby Doo, and giving lots of kisses. Elizabeth is 2 and loves baby dolls, the Wiggles, and putting on shoes. Zachary is 6 months old and loves to smile at his big brother and sister.
Tyler had fun trying on all the winter things as I pulled them out of a a box from the basement. He put on the ski goggles and said he was a storm trooper. He wore them for at least an hour- even sitting by Andy to watch a football game.
I know somebody that would LOVE to Give Tyler skiing lessons! (hint: his name starts with "G")
I know somebody that would LOVE to Give Tyler skiing lessons! (hint: his name starts with "G")
Tyler looks like a little Andy with those goggles on. Cute!
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