Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A little update

I think one of the wierdest things for a mom is when they go to get their baby from a nap and the baby is STANDING UP waiting. That just happened to me moments ago, Lizzy was standing up in her crib with a proud smile on her face as if to say "look what I learned how to do." She is almost not a baby anymore!

Tyler has been sick with the flu. Yesterday I stopped counting after his EIGHTH time throwing up! Later in the afternoon he went several hours without throwing up and seemed better so we decided to get out of the house and go to the Zoo. He is much better today but does not have much appetite. I keep finding him lying on his blanket in random places around the house so I think he must still feel a little under the weather. Poor little guy.


Unknown said...

Awww, sounds like Tyler has the same thing Emily has been battling with Abby. Tell him I love him and hope he's up and at 'em soon!

Elise said...

Poor little guy-- I hate it when they're sick!! Give him hugs and kisses from us.

Emily said...

I loved that moment when Abby was sitting up in her crib, and then standing. They're so cute after naps!