Monday, December 10, 2007

Lizzy After Surgery

This is Lizzy in the intensive care unit right after surgery.
She has:
  • 2 IV's; one in her foot and one in her right wrist
  • an arterial line in her left groin area
  • a central line from her neck through her jugular vein to her heart
  • a Foley catheter in her bladder
  • a chest tube draining her thorax
  • those wires are a temporary pace-maker
  • a pulse-ox monitor on her left thumb
  • temperature and cardiac output monitors on her forehead and lower back

She is a little out-of-it from all the meds, and she mostly just lays there and groans occasionally. It is a little sad, but we know it won't last long.


The Myers Family said...

Oh, that sweet little girl! We are so glad she's made it through this big day. We will keep sending our prayers her way. We love you, Lizzy!!!

Elise said...

She is so precious-- this picture made me cry. We're so glad everything went okay and we'll keep praying for a safe and speedy recovery. We love you guys!!

Emily said...

There couldn't be better, more loving or caring parents for Lizzy than Andy and Amanda! We love Lizzy too!!!!

Jenn said...

Speaking of hearts... that photo is an absolute heart breaker! Any parent seeing their baby girl go through this deserves bonus points. You guys (and baby girl) are amazing.

becca said...

That is one of the saddest and most amazing pictures I have ever seen! I am in awe at what doctors can do for such a tiny little baby. I am so thankful for the times we live in! I was so happy to hear that everything is going well! She is such a beautiful little girl. We will continue to pray for her and you. You guys are so strong!