Sunday, June 8, 2008

Exciting Weather in Wisconsin! (by Andy)

We were all starving late yesterday afternoon and had just decided on pancakes, sausage and eggs for dinner - quick and yummy! Just as we opened the fridge to gather ingredients, we heard what sounded like a giant trumpet. It was the city's tornado siren. We debated staying upstairs to finish cooking, but hesitantly decided to go down to the basement with our newly purchased weather radio. A line of storms was about to pass right over us, the national weather service indicating tornadoes, 100 mph winds, 3.2 inch hail, and rain up to 3 inches per hour producing flash floods.

We spent about an hour in the basement with the other tenants of our building, one of whom was late for work. We listened carefully (at leat I did) to the NWS radio as it tracked the tornadoes and storms across southeastern WI. Fortunately, we never got any of the tornado, but we definitely got a lot of water! The window wells quickly filled; they looked like muddy aquariums. Water streamed into the basement from around the windows, between bricks, and up out of the drains, but we stayed mostly dry. The tornado warning expired and we were able to finally eat our dinner...mmmhh!

Here are some pictures from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The first is an intersection right around the corner from our apartment:

Here's an new article if you're interested:



Liz and Dave said...

I am glad everything went ok. I don't blame you for what you did. I would have done the same thing too.

Jenn said...

I'm glad you guys are ok. That siren would really freak me out!

Unknown said...

Aren't you glad you live on the top floor?

Emily said...

When we had tornadoes in our area I was about to go to our chapel with Abby since we don't have a basement. I had gotten a text message from CSU telling all students and staff to get ready to seek shelter. We were all ready to go when I saw on TV that the storm had come and gone an hour ago and just happened to go around Fort Collins instead of through it. Thanks CSU, for sending the message two hours too late. We don't have those sirens here. Glad you're ok and got to eat your eggs!

Heidi said...

Whoa! I'm glad your guys are all safe!

Zach said...

Wow you guys. That's nuts! Sorry I'm late to comment on this post, but it's still amazing. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that it was fun to see your folks the other day and the reunion and that your sisters are all still gorgeous. I'm going to miss getting together with everyone, but you give us strength! Let's keep in touch. We're actually stalking you all the time, looking at your blog--just so you know. It's a little freaky, huh...