Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Another medical update for Lizzy Grace

Lizzy had a bit of a disheartening visit to the Doctor’s on Monday. She has been starting to have more pronounced symptoms of the heart failure and so I called the doctor to let her know. She told me to bring her in and get another chest xray. Lizzie’s xray showed her heart had enlarged a little bit more. Dr. Samyn prescribed another medication called Captopril. Captopril will reduce the pressure on the left side of the heart so hopefully less blood will escape through that hole going the wrong way. She takes it three times a day so poor lizzy has to gag down medicine five times a day. She actually is really good at taking it- what an angel.
The worst part of our visit is that Lizzy had not gained ANY weight since the last visit which means that she truly is too tired to take in enough food. I am going to try more frequent short feedings and I have been advised to wake her up every three hours in the night to eat too. Hopefully along with the medication and more persistent food offering she will eat enough to gain weight. Dr. Samyn said it sounds like she will definitely need surgery and the sooner the better. The surgery schedule is totally full for December and kids who are already in the hospital waiting take priority so it looks like maybe January. Hopefully Lizzy will start gaining weight- the last resort is to insert a feeding tube. Does anyone have any advice getting babies to take a bottle? It would be nice to fortify her meals sometimes but she is not much of a bottle lover. We will keep trying. Thanks again for all your support and love.
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Emily said...

Jon and I would love to participate in a family fast. Just let us know when. We love Lizzy, and will pray for everyone!

Unknown said...

I think this Sunday would be a perfect day for a family fast since that is when Lizzy is getting blessed. I'll talk to everyone and see if it will work. We love you guys!

Elise said...

All of us eat less so that Lizzy will eat more? Sounds like providence to me. Bring on the fast.
- Chris

Jenn said...

I think the Lamberts should join in the Lizzy fast! Every little bit helps. Lizzy is getting lots of love from our house...she is mentioned in every single prayer. (Up to and including the dinner prayer!) She looks beautiful in your photos.

Kam Family said...

My sweet Amanda,
WE will for sure continue to keep your sweet family in our prayers. Know that I'd be happy to take Tyler anytime you need a break, or need to head to the doctor. Hang in there! She's such a beautiful girl, and she's apart of such an amazing family!Let me know if I can do anything! We'd also be happy to fast for her!
Love, Karissa

becca said...

She is such a beautiful little girl! It breaks my heart to hear what she is going through! We will fast and pray for her on Sunday as well.