Sunday, November 4, 2007

My New Love

When Marilyn was visiting us to help with baby Lizzy she bought a varity of yummy treats. One of them was Haagen-Dazs Mayan Chocolate ice cream. I instantly fell in love with that chocolatey cinnamon flavor. I finally let myself buy some the other day and I have some every night before bed. Thanks Marilyn- I will blame you for not losing any of the baby weight. Just kidding. If any of you haven't tried it you must, it's heavenly!


Sharp Family said...

Sounds yummy. I've never tried the ice cream, and this probably won't compare, but Nestle makes a chocolate syrup for chocolate milk/hot chocolate. I think it's called Abuelitas or something like that, and it's what they have in Mexico, sort of a bitter sweet chocolate and cinnamon combination. Good for cold days:) Delicious.

The Myers Family said...

Mmmmmm...gotta love premium ice cream. Sometimes I look forward to a treat like that at the end of the day, after all the kids are in bed. But if I don't clean up the evidence by the following morning, I get busted by Sophie!

Elise said...

Mmmm... I'll have to give it a try. I'm always up for ice cream!

Unknown said...

Glad to be of service!

Emily said...

I like to put cinnamon in my hot chocolate. It's my favorite spice. YAY! Cinnamon!