My dad called me last night and told me that it looks like my cute Grandma Lambert won't last much longer. She laid down for a nap last Friday and didn't quite wake up all the way. She might pull through but for her sake I hope she can go be with her sweetheart in heaven soon. Grandma Lambert lived 9 houses down the street from me growing up so we were always close. I bet that all her 37 grandkids would say they are close to her, she was amazing at keeping up with all of us. I loved to cook with her, tie quilts, and play the marble game. I also loved to pick raspberries and other things from her garden and of course, have apple parties. She bottled fruit from her peach tree, cherry tree & apricot tree, and she always had a bottle of homemade jam, homemade bread and homemade cookies on hand. She grew her own rhubarb for rhubarb pie and made her own postum with herbs from her garden. She always turned things into a party like her "apple parties." One time when she was sick and threw up my mom said she called it a "puke party”. She always had a funny story to tell and as she got older she would tell the same funny stories over and over but they were still just as funny. I loved to drop by “conveniently” at lunch time and she would feed me a meal fresh from her garden. If I dropped by when she was reading her scriptures she always said she was studying for her “final exam”. I have a lot more stories I could tell. I sure love her a lot and I’m sure any of you who know her feel the same way!

Your post brought a tear to my eye. Libby was always so sweet to me and I'll be forever grateful that I knew her and Elwood. I have fond memories of working in that garden and rebuilding the retaining wall with the young men of the ward - surrogate grandsons, all of us.
- Chris
Oh, Manda - that is so sad. I know how close you two are! I love Libby - she was always my favorite person in the ward and when she left to go live in the assisted living center, church just wasn't the same. I loved working with her when I was the choir director and she was the ward music chairman. I've never known anyone like her - always, ALWAYS smiling and positive. She makes me feel happy just seeing her. What a great example she is - my prayers are with her.
I remember playing games with Libby and Cicely. Your Grandma made the cutest sounds while we were playing. I also remember the delicious raspberries from a jar in her fridge!
Hey Amanda... I found your blog through my friends blog and then came upon your blog through elise's blog. WOW!!! I hope that all makes any since... It will be good to keep in touch with you now.. check ours out at davelizstamper.blogspot.com
Amanda, this is so sweet. I remember Libby at your wedding-- I remember thinking how great it was that you have two amazing grandmothers. Libby will be in our prayers-- and so will you guys! ♥ you!
Mand I LOVE those pictures of Grandma. Especially the one in the kitchen. That's exactly how I remember her. I just wrote about my memories of Grandmas kitchen and was wishing I could be there just one more time. This is as close as I will get. It's especially great to see a photo of her smiling since she doesn't look at all like herself right now. Just above her bed (the one she is lying in) is a beautiful photo of her as a teenager. Every time I look up, I'm so grateful to see her beautiful young spirit shining. The juxtaposition of the two grandmas brings such joy... knowing that she will return to that perfect state. Thank you for sharing. See you in 4 days!!
I have always loved your cute Grandma Libby. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and with your family.
That was so sweet. It made me cry.
I know Grandma has a special place in her heart for you. I love you and am excited to see you soon. Your family said you were coming out this week. I hope you don't mind, but I used your picture of grandma on my blog.
You are such a sweetheart. You have such an adorable family.
See you soon Amanda!
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