Friday, January 11, 2008

Celebrate Me Home!

I always think of the Kenny Loggins song "Celebrate Me Home" when I start to get homesick. Well, I finally get to come home to visit!!!! My mom found an amazing deal and I have booked a flight home from Feb. 19-March 3. I am so excited. All you Utahns better start planning fun things to do with me while I am there. Poor Andy can't come, he is doing his surgery rotation. This is his busiest rotation yet, he is gone from 4:30 am to about 7:30 pm! Since he goes to bed around 8:30 or 9:00 I see him for about one hour a day. We agreed that it is a perfect time for me and the kids to leave for Utah.


Unknown said...

YAY!! Please Please Please stay with us for a couple of those days!!

The Myers Family said...

Hang in there, guys!

Elise said...

YAY! We will definitely have to come and visit you while you're here. I'm so excited to see you!

Andy, we'll miss you!

Jenn said...

I'm so excited...We get to see you and Tyler and finally meet Lizzy!! We certainly will be planning lots of fun stuff. Is there any chance of us reserving you for the first couple days? Sadly, we are leaving town for a week on the 23rd. Bad timing on our part!